A few snapshots from our Alaska trip.

Beginning of the Alaska Highway in Dawson Creek, British, Columbia

Alaska Highway Going North

More Alaska Highway

Vicki with the Homer Spit reaching into the bay in the back ground
Turnagain Arm - Road to Kenai Peninsula

Lake Meziadin Provincial Park Campground in British Columbia
Waterfront campsite - $7.00
Wal-Mart parking lot in Whitehorse

Vicki, Jodie and John setting up a DVD segment at Worthington Glacier
Buffalo mom and calf.
A herd of buffalo on the road delayed traffic for ten minutes

Road construction can delay traffic for up to half-an-hour

Loading the ferry that crosses the Yukon river from Dawson City in the Yukon
Top of the World Highway in the Yukon
Captain Tom Lee and Vicki on the glacier cruise
Vicki on the glacier cruise
A big catch of big halibut in Homer, Alaska
Worthington Glacier
Bear catching fish in the river
Vicki, Jodie Ginter, John Holod on the White Pass Railroad